Assign Team Tasks

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After you schedule a team task list, you have the option to assign specific tasks in the list to a user. When a team task is assigned to someone, it is their responsibility to complete.


  • A team task list must be scheduled before you can assign tasks from the list to specific users.
  • Only users that are scheduled to work on the selected day can be assigned a team task.
  • When you assign a team task, the task is associated with that user’s shift. As a result, the task is automatically reassigned if the shift is swapped, dropped, or reassigned.

Assign team tasks

  1. Click Scheduler.

  2. Go to Week or Day view.
    • If you’re using week view, click next to the date.
    • If you’re using day view, click  Tasks.
  3. Click the name of the team task list that contains the tasks you want to assign.
     NOTE: If you don’t see any task lists, you need to schedule a team task list.
  4. Click Anyone under the task that you want to assign.
  5. Click to select the person who is responsible for completing the task.

Frequently asked questions

If someone’s shift is updated, reassigned, or deleted, what happens to their assigned tasks?

Shift ChangeShift swapped or dropped
Assigned Team Task ChangeTasks are assigned to the person that takes the shift.
Shift ChangeShift moved to a different time on the same day
Assigned Team Task ChangeNo changes.
Shift ChangeShift moved to a different day
Assigned Team Task ChangeTasks are unassigned and can be completed by anyone.
Shift ChangeShift converted to an OpenShift
Assigned Team Task ChangeTasks are unassigned while the OpenShift is available, then assigned to the person that takes the OpenShift.
Shift ChangeShift deleted
Assigned Team Task ChangeTasks are unassigned and can be completed by anyone.
Shift Change Assigned Team Task Change
Shift swapped or dropped Tasks are assigned to the person that takes the shift.
Shift moved to a different time on the same day No changes.
Shift moved to a different day Tasks are unassigned and can be completed by anyone.
Shift converted to an OpenShift Tasks are unassigned while the OpenShift is available, then assigned to the person that takes the OpenShift.
Shift deleted Tasks are unassigned and can be completed by anyone.

If someone is archived (deleted) from my workplace, what happens to their assigned tasks?

User ChangeUser is archived and their shifts are moved to OpenShifts
Assigned Team Task ChangeTasks are unassigned while the OpenShift is available, then assigned to the person that takes the OpenShift.
User ChangeUser is archived and their shifts are deleted
Assigned Team Task ChangeTasks are unassigned and can be completed by anyone.
User Change Assigned Team Task Change
User is archived and their shifts are moved to OpenShifts Tasks are unassigned while the OpenShift is available, then assigned to the person that takes the OpenShift.
User is archived and their shifts are deleted Tasks are unassigned and can be completed by anyone.

Updated on April 3, 2023

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