If you are paying contractors in addition to employees using When I Work Payroll, there are some differences that should be noted. This article serves as a reference for what these differences are.
Contractor onboarding link
When onboarding contractors, you can have a link sent to them to complete additional information needed for payroll. Check out Payroll Contractor Onboarding Link Reference for more information.
Payroll review screen
The Payroll review screen is split into an Employees section and a Contractors section so you can easily identify which people are in which group.
When adjusting earnings for contractors, you can only add reimbursements.
Deductions are not available for contractors
Taxes are not available for contractors
Payroll details
Active user payroll details
The Payroll details in User Details for contractors only includes the following fields:
- Paystubs
- Bank Accounts
My profile pay information
The pay information in the contractor’s My Profile only includes the following information:
- Bank Accounts