Zapier lets you connect When I Work to over 1,000 other web services. Automated connections called Zaps are set up in minutes without coding. These Zaps build workflows between apps like Google Sheets, Excel, and Slack that automate processes in When I Work.
Each Zap has one app as the Trigger, where your information comes from and which causes one or more Actions in When I Work, where your data gets sent automatically. For more information on how Zaps work, check out Zapier’s Help Basics.
Before you begin
Sign in to Zapier or sign up for a free account here: When I Work Integration on Zapier
Setting up the Zapier integration
When logged into Zapier, connect your When I Work account.
- Click Connected Accounts on the menu bar.
- Click the Connected Accounts menu and search for When I Work.
- Use your When I Work credentials to connect your When I Work account to Zapier.
When I Work appears under My Connections.
Make a Zap
Use a pre-made Zap or create your own with the Zap Editor. This example shows how to make a Zap between Google Sheets and When I Work. This Zap creates a new user in When I Work when a new line is created in the Google Sheet.
Step 1: Click Make a Zap!
Click the Make a Zap! button on the top right.
Step 2: Choose a Trigger app
- Choose a Trigger app using the search bar or the suggested apps.
- Select a Trigger and then click Save + Continue.
- Click Connect an Account.
- Sign in using your Google credentials and then click Save + Continue.
- Configure the Set Up Options.
NOTE: This step varies depending on the Trigger app. - Click Continue.
Step 3: Add a step
- Click + Add a Step.
- Click Action/Search.
Step 4: Choose When I Work as the Action app
- Click When I Work as the Action app.
- Click an Action then press Save + Continue.
- Select your already connected When I Work account or press Connect an Account to connect another When I Work account. Click Save + Continue.
- Configure the Set Up Options.
NOTE: This step varies depending on the Action app. - Click Continue.
- (Optional) Test the connection. In this example, a test user is sent to When I Work.
- Review the sample information.
- Click Send Test to When I Work.
- Navigate to When I Work.
- Check the Users page in When I Work for the new user.
- Review the sample information.
- Click Finish.
Step 5: Enable your Zap
- Name your Zap and toggle the switch ON to enable the Zap.
Need inspiration?
Check out our pre-made Zaps and see everything that’s possible with When I Work and Zapier.