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  4. Finding a Replacement for a Shift

Finding a Replacement for a Shift

From your

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If a user is unable to work an assigned shift, you can offer the shift to other qualified users. The first user to accept the offer is automatically assigned to work the shift.

You can also find a replacement from your computer, iPhone, or iPad.


  1. From the When I Work Scheduling app, tap Scheduler on the the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap the shift that needs a replacement assignee.
  3. Tap More button in the top-right corner of the screen, then tap Replace.
  4. You will see a list of Potential Takers for the shift.
    • You can add a message (optional).
    • The Potential Takers list includes qualified users (based on position) and availability to take the shift.
    • Users with a will be offered the shift. Tap the box next to a user to add or remove the .
  5. Tap Offer Shift on the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  6. A confirmation message comes up. Tap I Understand to proceed.
  7. The users you selected are notified that the shift is available, and you are taken to the Shift Drop Request Page. This page can be viewed later to monitor the status of the Drop Request.
    If you no longer want to offer the shift, you can tap Deny on the bottom-right corner of the screen.  
  8. Tap Back button to return to the schedule.
Updated on August 22, 2023

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