Review and Submit Payroll

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Review your payroll and make any adjustments in real-time before you submit it. The focus of this article is to review and submit payroll for employees.


  • You can review payroll starting from the Payroll Overview screen or from opening up a timesheet.

Review Payroll

Anytime during your pay period, you can review and make any adjustments to hours, earnings, deductions, taxes, and the payment method.

The payroll details screen is split between Employees and Contractors.payroll review screen

Contractor Differences

There are differences in how the experience looks when setting up a contractor employment type. Check out Working With Contractors for more information.

Adjust hours

Adjust hours when reviewing payroll.

  1. Click Payroll.

  2. Click Review payroll button
  3. Click next to the hours you want to edit. The timesheets screen opens.edit hours in payroll
  4. Make the necessary edits, then navigate back to Payroll to continue the review.

Adjust earnings

Adjust earnings when reviewing payroll.

Contractor Earnings

You can only add reimbursements for contractors. Check out Working With Contractors for more information.

  1. Click Payroll.

  2. Click Review payroll button
  3. Click next to the earnings you want to edit.edit earnings button
  4. Click Add Earnings.add earnings button
  5. Select the earnings type, then enter an amount for the earnings.add earnings menu
  6. Click Save, then click Close to earnings

Add one-time deduction

Add deductions when reviewing payroll. To manage recurring benefits and deductions see Managing Your Payroll Details. Check out the Benefits & Deductions Reference Guide for a detailed list of Benefits and Deductions.

Contractor Deductions

You cannot add deductions for contractors. Check out Working With Contractors for more information.

  1. Click Payroll.

  2. Click Review payroll button
  3. Click next to the deduction for the user you want to add a one-time deduction for.edit deductions
  4. Click Add One-Time Deduction.add one-time deduction button
  5. Enter a name and amount for the deduction
  6. Click Save, then Close to finish.

View taxes

View taxes when reviewing payroll.

Contractors Taxes

Contractors do not have taxes. Check out Working With Contractors for more information.

  1. Click Payroll.

  2. Click Review payroll button
  3. Click next to the tax amount you want to view.view tax info
  4. Click Paid By individual or Paid By company to see specific breakdowns.paid by callouts
  5. Click X to exit.

Adjust payment method

Adjust the payment method for the payroll you are reviewing. This does not adjust the default payment method.

  1. Click Payroll.

  2. Click Review Payroll.
  3. Click the next to the payment method you want to adjust, then select the other payment method. You can choose between Check and Direct deposit.

Submit Payroll

  1. Click Payroll.

  2. Click Review payroll button
  3. Make any necessary edits and adjustments.
  4. Click and hold Submit Payroll.submit payroll
  5. A submitted status is shown. You can download paychecks and cash requirements if needed.submitted payroll


Updated on October 11, 2024

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