Filtering Requests

From your

Applies to , ,


Use filtering on your Android device to locate and respond to Time Off Requests, Shift Requests, and Openshift Requests. You can also filter requests on iOS.

Filtering Options

Time Off Requests:

  • Schedule
  • Status
  • Time off type
  • User

Shift Requests:

  • Schedule
  • Status
  • Shift request type
  • User

OpenShift Requests:

  • Schedule
  • Status
  • User
Not seeing a request?

If you can’t see a particular request, try resetting the filters.

Applying Filters

  1. From the When I Work Scheduling app tap Time Off Requests, Shift Requests or OpenShift requests on the Dashboard.
  2. Tap the Filter icon on the top right.
  3. Tap the type of Filter you want to edit.
  4. Tap the items you want to include in the filter. All items with a will be included in the results.
  5. Tap the on the top right.
  6. Once you have selected all desired filters, tap “Apply Filters” at the bottom.


Resetting Filters

  1. From the When I Work Scheduling app tap Time Off Requests, Shift Requests or OpenShift requests on the Dashboard.
  2. Select the Filters icon on the top right.
  3. Select Reset Filters at the bottom.
Updated on November 3, 2023

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