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OpenShift Requests Release Notes

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What’s New?

OpenShift Requests, also called Shift Bidding, is an option within OpenShifts that allows employees to express interest in the shift for a management to approve. The Shift Bidding option helps schedulers moderate the OpenShift pick up process to get the most qualified employees into the right shifts.

OpenShift Requests is available to Scheduling Pro and Enterprise accounts.



  • On OpenShifts, an option appears to require pick up approval.
  • Employees respond to express interest in the OpenShift.
  • Management views who has requested to pick up the OpenShift in the order that employees responded.
  • Management selects and approves an employee to work the shift.

More Information

For more information about OpenShift Requests, use the following article as your guide.

Updated on August 29, 2022

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