Archive a User

From your

Applies to , ,


Archiving a user removes that person from the schedule, deactivates their user profile and revokes access to your workplace.

If you are a Payroll user you are prompted to set a termination date during the archive process.


  • You must have supervisor, manager, or admin level access to archive a user.
  • If a user is archived, you can still access details about their past shifts and total hours through a schedule export. Check out Exporting Data for more details. Timesheet and payroll information are not deleted.
  • If you need to restore an archived user check out our article on Reactivating Archived Users.
  • Contact our Customer Care Team if you need to run an off-cycle payroll for terminated users before the next pay day.

Archive a user

  1. Hover over , then select Users.

  2. Click that is corresponds with the user you’d like to archive.The Archive User prompt appears.
  3. Choose how you want to handle the user’s future shifts:
    • If you want to keep the shifts, select Move future shifts to OpenShifts.
    • If you don’t need to keep the shifts, select Delete Future Shifts.
  4. Click Archive User.
  5. The user’s profile is deactivated and removed from the schedule.

Set a termination date

If you are using Payroll you are prompted to set a Termination Date:

terminate user prompt

  1. Select the user’s Termination Date from the drop-down menu. The date you select here is the last day the user is working and getting paid for.
  2. Choose how you want to handle the user’s future shifts:
    • If you want to keep the shifts, select Reassign to OpenShifts.
    • If you don’t need to keep the shifts, select Delete them.
  3. Click Archive.
  4. The user’s profile is deactivated and removed from the schedule and payroll.
Updated on May 23, 2024

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